Press Release_Youth Anti-FGM Network, Nigeria Stands Against the Repeal of The Gambia’s FGM Ban!!

The Youth Anti-FGM Network expresses its deep concern regarding recent discussions on potentially repealing the law banning Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) in The Gambia. We stand firmly against any attempt to repeal this critical legislation.

FGM is a harmful practice that violates the fundamental rights of girls and women. It has severe health consequences, including physical and emotional trauma, and can even lead to death. Repealing the FGM ban would not only endanger the well-being of countless girls but also send a message that The Gambia is regressing on human rights.

The 2015 Women’s (Amendment) Act, which outlawed FGM, marked a significant milestone in protecting girls. It empowered them to choose their own futures and live free from violence. We envision a future where this harmful practice is eradicated entirely and are working earnestly to achieve it.

The Youth Anti-FGM Network urges the Gambian government to Uphold the FGM ban and ensure its effective enforcement, Invest in education and awareness campaigns to address the root causes of FGM and empower communities to abandon the practice and provide support services for survivors of FGM, including access to healthcare and psychosocial counselling.

Youth Network for Community and Sustainable Development (YNCSD) is a youth-led organization  that works to end all forms of harmful traditional practices, including FGM/C in Nigeria. YNCSD engages young people and amplifies their voices to speak for human rights, through targeted advocacy to key players, capacity building and development, communications and media engagements, partnerships and program implementation.

YNCSD is at the forefront of campaigns to end  FGM/C with various projects that target different aspects of this harmful practice. One of them is the REIGNITE Project funded by the Wallace Global Fund. This project supports a new generation of youth activists against FGM/C, leveraging our Youth  End-FGM network of over 300 young people all over Nigeria to raise awareness and demand change. 

We call on all Gambians, especially young people, to raise their voices against FGM. Let us stand together and protect the health, dignity, and fundamental rights of girls in the Gambia.



Joan Obeta

Communications and Advocacy Officer | Youth Network for Community and Sustainable Development | Tel:+234 (0)7061469504  Mobile: +234(0)8136277456|  url: |